About Us
At Founders & Framers we believe and celebrate the ideas that remain foundational to our American way of life. We believe the Founders, in Framing the United States Constitution, set forth three key elements that continue to guide our society. Firstly, they created a federal government in three branches that bound the states together into this unique American experiment which we still enjoy today. Secondly, they separated those three branches of government (legislative, executive, judicial) into separate but equal powers as power always needs checks and balances. Thirdly, the Founders clearly set out the individual rights and liberties of the American citizenry.
Our products at Founders & Framers are selected and designed to provide to our customers the ability to simply communicate the foundational truths upon which our country was founded; and some wit from the quips of several of our Founders!
Explore our site, read some of the short lessons about our Founders, and we hope that will motivate you to find avenues to learn more about these prodigious men. Spend some time on our Blog and leave a respectful comment or two. Examine our products, and buy one for yourself, your family and for a friend.
Let's remind ourselves of the strength of the underpinnings set forth by the Founders and Framers; we will have renewed energy and purpose to push forward as men and women who love liberty and individuality. And also recommit to the principle that together we can accomplish so much for our society here in America and across the world for the cause of liberty!